
Fill in our questionnaire for a quick assessment of your allergy risk

  1. General Condition

    Colds usually follow a typical course with one peak in symptoms, and resolve themselves after 7–10 days.

    • Do your symptoms last for longer than 10 days?

      • Do you often feel tired?

      • Do you often experience headaches?

      • Do you lack concentration in your everyday activities?

      • Do you suffer from a general feeling of being unwell?

  2. Environment

    Colds have the same symptoms wherever you are. The symptoms of a mite allergy are more severe indoors, but also occur when using public transport or in humid areas. It is therefore important to know where your symptoms are aggravated.

    • Do the symptoms primarily occur indoors, on public transport or in humid areas?

      • Are the symptoms worse in bed?

      • Do the symptoms occur when you make your bed?

      • Do the symptoms occur when vacuuming or dusting?

      • Do the symptoms occur outdoors, in fields or on grass?

  3. Special foods: Shellfish allergy

    Shellfish contain the same allergen as house dust mites. If you suffer from a shellfish allergy, you must also receive treatment for a mite allergy. Shellfish allergies can also be treated effectively using mite allergy treatment. Contact can also trigger symptoms.

    • Have you already been tested for a shellfish allergy?

      • Have you noticed one or more of the following symptoms after consuming or coming into contact with shellfish?

        • Stomach pain, belching, nausea, vomiting

        • Itching on the neck and in the throat

        • Swelling of the mouth and throat

        • Skin rash, skin irritation, skin redness, itching

        • Allergic rhinitis, runny nose

        • Red eyes, tears

        • Tightness in the chest, shortness of breath

    • Affected Organs

      Mite allergies produce symptoms that can affect a number of organs. Sometimes, only one organ is affected, but in other instances several are affected at the same time. This makes it difficult to differentiate a mite allergy from a cold.

      • Eyes — Are the symptoms worse in the eye area?

        • Are your eyes itching or burning?

        • Are your eyes reddened?

        • Are your eyes producing tears?

      • Nose — Is your nose affected?

        • Do you frequently need to sneeze?

        • Is your nose blocked?

        • Is your nose running?

        • Does your nasal secretion change and turn thick and white/yellow?

        • Does your nasal secretion remain unchanged, watery and clear?

      • Lungs — Are the symptoms worse in the lungs?

        • Do you often feel the need to cough?

        • Do you suffer from breathlessness/respiratory distress (with normal effort)?

        • Do you often have coughing fits?

      • Skin — Do you notice skin changes or does your skin react?

        • Do you often react with a skin rash?

        • Do you often have itchy skin?

        • Were you diagnosed with neurodermatitis as a child?

        • Do you suffer from acute neurodermatitis?

      • Lymph nodes — Do your lymph nodes swell up, especially on your neck or near your ears?

    • Timing of symptoms

      The symptoms of a cold persist throughout the day. In contrast, symptoms of a mite allergy often lessen during the day.

      • Do your symptoms intensify or lessen at certain times of the day?

        • Do you have individual or multiple symptoms after getting up?

        • Do you have individual or multiple symptoms in the morning?

        • Do you have individual or multiple symptoms at lunchtime/in the afternoon?

        • Do you have individual or multiple symptoms in the evening/at night?

        • Do you have individual or multiple symptoms throughout the whole day?

    • Specific location

      Sufferers of mite allergies often find that a change of location has a positive effect on their allergy, e.g. when they are on vacation or even when they change location during their everyday activities.

      • Have you noticed that your symptoms change when you change location?

        • Are your symptoms better when you are by the sea?

        • Are your symptoms better when you are in the mountains at above 1200 m?

        • Are your symptoms better when you are in the office?

        • Do your symptoms stay the same everywhere?

    • Your family

      Allergies are often hereditary. The more often that allergies occur in your family, the greater the likelihood that you too will suffer an allergic reaction.

      • Is there a history of allergic diseases in your family, such as a mite allergies, food allergies (e.g. shellfish allergies), pollen allergies or nickel allergies etc.?

        • Did your mother have an allergy?

        • Did your father have an allergy?

        • Do one or more of your siblings have allergies?

        • Do your grandparents have one or more allergies?

    • Past tests

      Allergies affect people for their whole lives. IgE antibodies remain in the body and respond to allergens throughout a person's life, which is why allergies should not be trivialized. Even older tests can provide valuable information.

      • Have you ever tested positive for an allergy (of any kind)?

      • Have you ever tested positive for a mite allergy?

      • Have you ever tested positive for a shellfish allergy?

If your result is displayed in grey or green, you have no or a very low risk. If your result is displayed in yellow, it indicates you have a low risk. A result that is displayed in orange indicates you have a high risk, and a result displayed in red indicates you have a very high risk of suffering from a dust mite allergy.

Your test result shows how high the probability is, that you are suffering from a dust mite allergy. To protect your health, Allergo Natur is offering you the suitable products. With our excellent Allergo Encasing complete set you not only protect your health, but you rapidly improve the quality of life. Learn more now by visiting our Allergo Shop!